FM eksponat777 Lichess coach picture

FM Kanan Hajiyev

Improve your level without hesitation

Location Azerbaijan
LanguagesEnglish (US), русский язык, Čeština, Azərbaycanca
Hourly rate$25 per hour
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello, chess enthusiasts! My name is Kanan Hajiyev, and I am your personal chess coach. My passion for chess and deep understanding of this great game will not only help you enhance your chess skills but also open up the world of strategy, logic, and intellectual achievement.

What you'll get:

Personalized Approach: We will create an individualized training program tailored precisely to your level and chess goals.

Professional Analysis: With my guidance, you'll analyze your games, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to improve your play.

Tournaments and Competitions: If you aim to compete, I'll prepare you for tournaments, assist in openings, and analyze your opponents' games.

Mastery and Intuition: We'll work on honing your chess mastery and intuition, making you a more confident and successful player.

Practice: Chess is an art that requires consistent practice. I'll provide opportunities for regular play and learning through practical experience.

With me, you'll unlock your chess potential, reach new heights, and become more confident and successful players. Let's embark on this exciting chess journey together, where we'll forge a path to victories and intellectual growth!

Playing experience

I have title of Fide Master (FM). In 2018 I became Amateur World Champion. I have extensive experience participating in international competitions.

Teaching experience

Over the past 10 years I have had experience of teaching in Russian, English, Azerbaijani, Turkish and Czech languages.

Teaching methodology

Teaching Methodology: Unlocking Your Chess Potential

My teaching methodology is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of chess. It is a holistic approach that combines theory, practice, and personalized guidance to ensure your growth and success as a chess player.

Fundamentals First: We'll begin by building a solid foundation. I'll cover the basics of chess, including the rules, piece movement, and fundamental strategies. Understanding the core principles is crucial before diving into advanced tactics.

Strategic Thinking: Chess is not just about moving pieces; it's about thinking strategically. We'll delve into strategic concepts such as pawn structure, piece coordination, and positional play. You'll learn how to plan your moves effectively and gain a lasting advantage over your opponents.

Tactical Mastery: Chess is also a game of tactics. We'll explore various tactical motifs, including pins, forks, skewers, and discovered attacks. You'll sharpen your ability to spot tactical opportunities and capitalize on them.

Endgame Excellence: The endgame is where many games are won or lost. We'll focus on endgame theory, covering essential endgame principles and techniques. You'll gain the skills to convert advantages into wins and save challenging positions.

Opening Repertoire: I'll assist you in developing a strong opening repertoire tailored to your playing style. We'll analyze popular openings, their variations, and their strategic ideas. You'll be well-prepared for the critical early stages of the game.

Game Analysis: Regular game analysis is a key component of improvement. We'll review your games, identifying areas for growth and highlighting successful strategies. This feedback loop will accelerate your progress.

Mental Toughness: Chess requires mental fortitude. We'll work on developing your focus, concentration, and ability to handle time pressure. A strong mindset is vital for success in chess competitions.

Practice and Play: Finally, practice makes perfect. You'll have opportunities to practice what you've learned through regular gameplay. We'll analyze your games, reinforce your strengths, and address weaknesses.

Throughout our journey together, I'll provide continuous support, guidance, and motivation to ensure you reach your chess goals. Together, we'll unlock your full chess potential and help you become a formidable player in the chess world.

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